Friday, April 27, 2012


To the best friend,

Sorry, is not even enough to comprehend the apology I need to express on how lousy I have been as a best friend, as a 'bro'.  I need to put in more effort, I know you understand that I have been busy with uni and work, but in between that I should have time to spend time with you.

Countdown to the days when I leave for Europe and won't be coming back for a year. Distance is truly becoming a troubling matter literally. I know you see my posts on tumblr, and I think to my self... I have enough time to queue posts, but not enough time to have a mere conversation with you.

I need to make a resolution at least once a week, if not even to see you physically and catch up, but talk to you over the phone just to make sure every things okay with you and see how everything going with you.

That is only one of my many faults to you, my lack of effort.

The second is  secrets, I don't know if this comes under trust.... but yeah.

I have many secrets I keep to myself that i can't even share to you or our 'group'.
I fear the judgement you would have on me, as your opinion and thoughts of me actually matter and I would take to heart. Thus some things I do, I just keep to myself. I tend to feel the pressure, to be the 'responsible' one. To be the one to make things stable. You once said both drunk and sober, that you thought I was the 'glue' to our group. This scared the shit out of me.

Thus I must prioritize this, while I can. So much can happen in a year when I leave, so I must make the most of the time we have till then. I also must attempt and try my best to share more with my 'bro' and hope that he understands why I did the things I did. If not at least over look them and still remain the relationship we have.

You do not even know, I saw the post you made about me, and how  you feel comfortable to have those 'share your feeling moments' haha.
I know we joke around and are to 'man' about saying it seriously. But in my behalf, I love you man. Thank you for everything.

Your wing-man, bro, best friend and future best man.

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