Monday, June 18, 2012


The title says it all, i haven't posted in a while, my grammar will be shit, as my thoughts are too, spread out and everywhere.

Hello to you my friend I have a lot to update you on, many momentous events occurred that have not occurred in monumental measures they should have. I will not even mention what, but reading this you will know what I am talking about, the costs, the pleasure, the confusion, the freedom and the consequences negative and positive about it that have not surfaced yet.
I have an exam within 48 hours or less, and have not touched the subject in any convenient or productive matter for about a good month now. So yep totally fucked for that.
Forgive the abrupt change in subject or whatever, I have a lot to say that my fingers cannot even comprehend to type or keep up with the pace of thoughts and tiny details in mind.
I seek carnality, communication, recognition and approval of those that shouldn't matter so much or matter at all.  They emit my aspirations on who I want to be, the life I want to live, the friends I wanted to have. WANT, WANT, WANT. I know what you're thinking it is not a need. But at times this becomes blurred when I have all that I need that it is no longer enough.

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