Thursday, June 3, 2010


it gets tiring to always be on your guard.
to be strong.
to not break.
to protect the most
of the body.

the heart.

it can make you do things
you thought you were not
capable of.

but can destroy you
to the point of death.

can i keep up? can you keep up?



that come out of your mouth.

have lost there value.

they have become a siren
to warn off those who want to escape
chains of deceit and chaos.

some times things are better left unspoken.
but you persist and
to ruin yourself.

i have tried but it is pointless.
i need to run

you leave to much
collateral damage.

it is a war that everyone will lose
no one will wave white flag
no one will apologies

words words words.
they pierce the mind and the spirit.
a wound that can make you bleed longer
than any physical pain can.

words words words.
a double edged sword
that stabs you with the lie or the truth.

words words words.
you 'say' they don't hurt you
but you lie.


has power to change
the world.

start what you finish.

if you start the
be prepared to finish it.
because if you don't.
i will.


under estimate me
and come up against me
i will crush you
till i breathe my last breath.

i may not look like much
but neither do you.
but i am not ignorant enough
to not be careful
and let my guard down.

if you want to fight give it your all.
because i will.

keep your friends close
and your enemies closer.

but i say.

trust no one.
at least you know the enemy exists.
but the friend can be the one that may undo you.
and be your downfall.

i let my guard down once.
and tried to be a friend
but now
i am not so sure.
i do not mean any harm.
if its a fight you want.
then its a fight you will get.

No One

No one can judge me
God himself.

No one can label me
cause i know who i am.

haven't you ever heard the saying.
don't judge a book by its cover.

i will give you a chance to prove yourself.

i expected the same from you.

if you questioned my motives and my characteristics.
do not ask them with
or rhetorical questions.

have the courage
have the strength
and truly show how noble you can be.

all you have to do
is ask.
and i will give you an answer.

so please
before you make an assumption of me
or for anyone else.

take a good look at yourself.

i don't push a label on you,
don't do it to me.

if you do,
i feel sorry for you and pity you.

if you read this
and ask yourself why?
you look for the answer.
cause its something i cant tell you.
but something you have to understand yourself.
for myself.


you wear a mask to hide the truth
but it begins to crack.

your a liar.
your a fake.
you could buy everything in the world
it would not change who you truly are.

you talk it up.
you use words to protect yourself.

it gave you strength
but made you weak once you took it off.
because you have truly lost yourself and who you are.
take the mask off.
before its to late.
it makes me question who i met that day.

will i ever see the face behind the mask.
will you see it when you
look in the mirror.
tell me who you really are.
tell yourself who you are.

you can wear the mask sure it can be fun.
but leave it on to long.
your face will become the mask.